Book Review: Think with me by Subrata roy Sahara

Book Review: Think with me by Saharasri Subrata Roy Sahara

*Publisher: Rupa Publications India *ISBN: 978-81-291-4225-2 *Genre: Non-fiction *Cover: Paperback *No of pages: 111 *Price: 150 *Rating: 3/5

My View:

This is second time I am reading Subrata Roy, the first one I have read was also very beautiful book called “Life Mantras”. Now Think with me is very sensitive and bold matter of India being discussed in this book. While going through the book I got to know many mind blogging facts about Indian education system, what was India in olden days and how our education system is affected after Mughal and British ruled India.

The book is divided into five main parts i.e. Electoral system and leadership, Population, Education system, Media and Religion of India. Each and every chapter gives an eye opening revelation of our Indian system also suggestions being provided by the author, which are according to my view some are very much needed like that of education system and sometimes I disagree with the author like that of religion matter.

In electoral system and leadership, our voting system it’s pros and cons being discussed and in leadership, what we expect from our leader being easily discussed by the author. Further I don’t want to revel about other chapters but one of best chapter is about education system where transformation is much needed from grassroots level and I highly agree with the author.          

What I liked is the cover of the book where Indian flag is being drawn under the word our country; also book is very clean without any typo mistakes, writing style of the author is very simple and easy to understand. If you have read this book you will know that Subrata roy is very patriotic person and he needs change for the progress of India. 

I recommend this book to those who loves to read on politics and also to politicians, for the progress of India.

**I received a copy from Writersmelon in exchange for an honest and unbiased review**


There is no doubt that India has made rapid progress and achieved prosperity too, yet the goals that we set for ourselves are still unfulfilled or underachieved. It is a harsh reality that we have bigger problems today than we had at the time of Independence. These problems are not good signs for the future of India.
