Baby Natural Massage oil enriched with Olive and Almond

Baby Natural Massage oil enriched with Olive and Almond.

Chubby cheeks, dimpled chin, rosy lips, teeth’s within, curly hair, very fair, eyes so blue, lovely too, teachers pet, is that you? This is the rhyme comes to our mind when we see any infant; the first thing which we notice in infant is their cheeks, very soft and tender. When a baby is born they bring bundles of joy to their family. Today’s babies are our future so it’s but natural that every parent is concerned about the health and growth of their new born.

Generally infants don’t do any activity other than waving their legs and hands in the air, because of this activity their muscles starts paining. To stop this paining its age old tradition followed in India to massage the muscles of children. In western countries they generally use Olive oil for massaging their babies; now in India also we are getting products from Dabur which are enriched with Olive and Almond oils.   

So now talking about my cousin’s child who is only 6 month old and just started crawling, they are very much concerned about her growth and skin. So I suggested them to start Dabur Baby Massage oil which is highly enriched with Olive and almond. Massage oils are needed before the bath of a child. So the oil must not be sticky which generally irritates child also difficult to handle while bathing. The oil massage not only nourishes baby’s skin but also soothes tired muscles which relaxes child and helps for a deep sleep.

*Benefits of Olive oil for infants:

-Important for growth of infants because of its high content of calcium and phosphorous.
-Helps in absorption of vitamin D
-Protection against fracture i.e. strong bones.
-Also protects from many allergies.

*Benefits of Almond oil for infants:

-Rich with vitamins like A, B2, B6 and E.
Keeps babies skin soft.
-Best to protect from rashes.
-It boosts the weight of the child.

We trust Dabur’s product more than any other multinational companies, also Dabur is providing Ayurvedic medicine for many decades. So babies product from Dabur is a plus point for us as they use natural ingredients and safe from paraffin. These products are researched and fully tested in the labs of Dabur for growth, health and nourishment of infants.   

I am participating in the #FirstLove activity at BlogAdda in association with Dabur
